The Lurker is about to be defeated!


Furthermore, you can also read my personal observations regarding the Lurker disentanglement test phase:

It's just a matter of time, when the Lurker will be neutralized completely. The following screenshots go more into detail:

Especially the following part is worth mentioning:
"Quantum fluctuations can be considered as the skin of the Lurker. The Lurker has a certain amount of energy reserves, but these reserves are limited. It stores its reserves in the subquantum world. When the Lurker interacts with the normal space-time continuum, it loses some of its energy, similar to a draining battery. As the Lurker interacts with the real universe, the Source begins to clear it, then a small part of the Lurker disappears into nothingness. The process of eliminating the Lurker is called sublimation."


When do we know that the Lurker is defeated?