Murphy's law

It's important to emphasize that literally anything can go wrong at the worst time possible! Oftentimes it's hundreds of little things that get in your way and prevent you from getting done anything!

It's like flies: One single fly is not a problem but it gets really nasty, if an entire swarm of flies is bothering you!

The other problem is that those dumb coincidences are often related to very intimate and embarrassing moments; sometimes even so unbelievable that most people simply won't take you seriously!

So, even though Murphy's law seems to be insignificant at first glance, it has still a potential to drive you insane!

Examples for Murphy's law

In the following I would like to give you some personal examples of Murphy's law that happened to me. I give you those examples to assure you that you are not alone with that, if you experienced similar situations!

  • I ordered food online and a few minutes later, I got a call from the restaurant. The issue was that the red wine I ordered, was out of stock. I asked them, if they could deliver me white wine instead, but that wasn't possible either. So, I tried to cancel the order, but I wasn't successful with it. The result was that I lost about 10 bucks for nothing! Not too much, but still annoying! There's nothing I could do, because the order counted as "delivered".
  • A similar case with food ordering was that I wanted to pay online and I had to enter a security code which arrived after 30 minutes. Actually, it just takes less than 30 seconds! It was about 25 bucks that went down the drain, but fortunately, I got the money back later.
  • You might have heard of irritate bowel syndrome - unfortunately, I suffer from it. The problem I had quite often during the last years is that a bowel movement was imminent, whenever a toilet was out of range! You might get an idea how extremely stressful such moments can be!
  • One day during summer, I woke up and went to the bathroom. The moment I lifted the toilet seat, one of the hinges broke - even though I just changed the seat about 3 months before! I had no choice, but to walk to the hardware store. What was also really annoying is that I sweated extremely which unfortunately can happen often - even in winter and during the slightest activities! The so-called hyperhidrosis is another nasty curse I have to live with!
  • Other minor issues that get in my way, whenever I want to be productive or creative.

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg of what tortures me, PLUS other permanent conditions I suffer from (e.g. transsexuality and pollen allergy)! Considering the barrage of all those minor and major issues, it's hard to imagine what a life of absolute and constant joy is: